Sunday, November 29, 2009

Do your kids look like you?

Has this happened to you? I have brown hair, white skin and brown eyes. My daughter is a clon of her father, blonde blue eyed, white skin. One day a lady in the park practically stopped me and asked? Is that YOUR daughter?

Do your kids look like you?

Well, I am not a parent, but when my mother was younger (my age now) we looked a lot a like. My other sister, though, looks a lot like our father. It's hit or miss, but the child probably has some of your features. They might become more pronounced later in life. Just remember that even if your child doesn't resemble you physically, they will always resemble you in actions and character. As for people like the woman in the park- ignore her. She should know better.

Do your kids look like you?

yeh it just means you carry the recessive genes for blonde hair and blue eyes

Do your kids look like you?

I have 3 children and all look just like their dads for the most part. I have brown hair/eyes. My oldest, a son, has that also, but so did his dad...and he has his dads build, etc.

My middle child, a daughter, has my body type and looks most like me, but definately has her fathers blue eyes.

My youngest has blonde hair like her bio dad and my mother's green eyes. I get asked very often if she is adopted. Actually she is, my husband adopted her and he has dark hair eyes like me!


Do your kids look like you?

yes that has hapened to me but with my son people say that he is'nt my son because he doesnt like me he has curly hair as were i have straight and his skin is daker then mine just like his dad i dont worry about it we know that there our kids so what should it matter to other people

Do your kids look like you?

That has not really happened to me. Both of my children look a little like me and a little like my husband. But, when we are out as a family everyone always says that they look like him. The funny thing is I have auburn hair, brown eyes, tan skin. My husband has blonde hair, brown eyes, and is very white. My first son has blonde hair, brown eyes and my 2nd son shocked us by having blonde hair, blue eyes...:) Both his grandparents have blue eyes.

Do your kids look like you?

My daughter is half black. I am pale(I mean PALE) and her skin tone is way darker than mine. she has very very curly hair

She has my lips and eyes but the rest is her Dad and my brother. I get asked all the time-WHAT IS SHE?

she is my daughter! It is so annoying!

Do your kids look like you?

I'm friends with a family of 7 where the parents both have brown hair. The mother has green eyes and the father has blue eyes. Both daughters in the family have green eyes and the three boys all have blue eyes, so it seems to follow gender. (All the kids have brown hair).

I know another family where both parents' traits are the same as the ones listed above, and the daughter does have brown hair and green eyes like her mom and the son has blue eyes like his dad... but the son also has naturally blond hair, unlike anyone else he knows of in his family. They are part Scandinavian, so the blond is probably in his roots somewhere! (He is 21, by the way, so I doubt the blond is a "phase")

Do your kids look like you?

We are a mixed couple in that my wife is extremely dark with dark eyes, dark hair, and skin that looks tanned all the time. I am fairly light with green/blue eyes, brown hair, and skin that goes from tanned to almost white.

Two of three children are exactly like my wife in coloring but our youngest daughter is even more fair than I am. However she strongly resembles my family in looks and coloring.

Genes are somewhat erractic from what I can see in my case and others including yours it seems.

Do your kids look like you?

yes that happened to my mom. She had black hair and I was so blonde as a child they assumed I wasn't hers. I still do not look like her even though my hair has darkened. My 3 children totaly resemble my husband and his side of the family by appearance but my middle son is like me personaility wize.

also my hubby and me have dark brown eyes and all our children ahve greeen eyes. who knows how these things happen but the genes are there as a blue print

Do your kids look like you?

My 2 youngest look like their father,

except they have green eyes,

the Native American Choctaw gene

is very dominant.

My oldest son looks like

my Mom's side of the family.

The twins favor me.

The son who passed away in '73

looked like his father.

When we're altogether,

you can see the family resemblance,

but not when we're separate.

I know the feeling.

Growing up, I was the oddball.

Everyone all looked like my

Mom's side of the family.

It wasn't until I was grown


married the 2nd time

before I realized that I favored

my Great Great Grandmother

when she was a young woman,

I came across some photos

that looked like me %26amp; started

asking WHO is this...

I was so happy that I looked like her.

Do your kids look like you?

It happens. Not all kids are a 50/50 mix of Mom and Dad - in fact, most aren't. Many look more like Mom, more like Dad, or like neither; they may take after a great - grandparent and look nothing like the rest of the family. My son is a mix of both sides, but everyone says he looks more like me. That may be because I'm a SAHM and they see me with him more, so they notice our similar features. He has his dad's blue eyes and long lashes, my mouth and bone structure, and his paternal grandfather's nose. He also has blond hair, but even though Hubby has dark hair now, we were both blond as children so not sure where that's coming from, but there's no mistaking that the thick, slightly wavy hair texture came from his dad. My point is, you get a variety of combinations from two parents. If you have another baby, he or she could look just like you. In response to people asking if she's yours, I'd come back with something like, "Well, we're not sure yet. I'm thinking about getting a maternity test to find out if I'm the real mother." That will keep them quiet.

Do your kids look like you?

My baby looks like her dad. Brown skin, black curly hair, and dark brown eyes. Me light as paper, blue eyes, blonde curly hair. The only things that look a like on us is the curly hair and long fingers O and are blood types. Other then that people look at me like where did that white girl get that baby from.

Do your kids look like you?

My daughter looks exactly like her father. Except for her eyes...she has my eyes. We both have blue eyes, but mine are blue/gray w/ really dark around the blue, his are just very baby blue. She has all his features...even shaped like him and very long in the torso. She has his chin, his hair color, his smile, lifts her left eyebrow into a point when watching t.v. just like him. She gets a twinkle in her eyes, just before she smiles, just like he does. She has the two dimples above her mouth when she is playful and has on her smirky smile. All characteristics that attracted me to him when we met.

Do your kids look like you?

I look like my father too (Nothing like my mother). I rememeber people asking my mom the same question when I was a child.

I have a 2 1/2 year old son who, when he was born, looked like a mini Louie (my hubby), even down the hairline and hairstyle. It was kinda scary! I felt like he should look like me at least a "little" bit since I carried him for 9 months and all (childish but true). As the time has passed, he looks more and more like me and less and less like his father. (He looks mostly like his grandfather- my father.) His hair has darkened (mine is dark and my hubby's is light) and his eyes have changed color. I have green eyes w/ little brown specs and my hubby has blue eyes. Our sons eyes are now bluish green w/ brown specs. His facial features look more like mine now but he will always have his daddy's toes and temperament!

Do your kids look like you?

It happened to me (brown hair) when my daughter (white/blonde hair) was small. A lady asked me if I was the nanny or perhaps the second wife.

I was gobsmacked! I must have stared for a full minute before mumbling something like "She takes after her father right now."

I mean of course a child can't look exactly like either parent but come on, they change all the time.

Do your kids look like you?

I always get people telling me my daughter looks just like her mommy. One good friend of mine, who knows me and my daughter's father, says she is a perfect mix of both parents, which I agree with. She has lighter brown hair than me, and blue eyes instead of brown, so our looks are nothing drastic compared to each other.

Do your kids look like you?

Well kids could look like either parent. My daughter looks exactly like me but my son looks like his daddy.

Do your kids look like you?

i dye my hair blonde and my kids are blond, but my husband is the one who had blond hair as a child, and people always say "oh they have your hair" and it gets me everytime because they dont really mines not natural. (my husbands is dark brown now though) but if i kept my hair natural people would wonder where in the worl did our kids get their looks.

i was shocked one time though when someone asked my MIL (also blonde) questions about MY kids with me standing there holding one of them, and referred to her as the mom!

Do your kids look like you?

My oldest son looks just like me. My other son %26amp; daughter look exactly like their father.

Do your kids look like you?

I know how you feel. My oldest is the exact image of her dad-blonde hair, med skin and green eyes, and my youngest is blue eyed, med skin and has dark brown hair(from my dad's side). I have red hair, blue eyes and fair skin, and they look nothing like me. I get the same questions whem I'm out with them, like why don't they look like you, why don't they have your red hair, etc.

Just ignore it-people can be so rude without even realizing it. You don't owe them an explanation!!

Do your kids look like you?

Yes it has happened to me. I have brown hair, brown eyes and white skin and my wife has blond hair, blue eyes and white skin. My wife and I have six boys. The older three who are 11,9, and 7 look just like me. Brown hair, brown eyes and white skin. The 6 months old baby has blond hair, blue eyes and white skin, but the 4 year old twins look completely different. They are redheads with brown eyes and white skin. One time my wife and I went to the parent teacher conferences in school for the twins and the teacher couldn't believe that we were their parents because they didn't look anything like us. When the teacher asked us who we were, we said Mr. %26amp; Mrs. Rhodes, Shaun and Jonty's (Jonathan) parents and he just stood their so surprised and ask us again to make sure. After the conferences though we had a little laugh about it.

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