he is 5yrs old
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
What the heck are you thinking?! Unless there's some sort of life-or-death medical reason (If I don't dye little Norman's hair, his spleen is going to burst) or a matter of National Security (We have to disguise Little Oscar else he'll be discovered by the enemy as a secret government double-agent), don't start messing around with your child's body as if he's a doll for you to amuse yourself with. He's a child, for God's sake, treat him like a little human being! Read him a book, take him to the park, help him discover nature. Don't do something intentionally that might cause others to single him out as a weirdo this early in life! And believe me, a 5y/o with dyed hair is weird. And it won't just be little kids pointing at him, adults you encounter will look upon your kid with pity, and look at you as some kind of freak for doing such a thing. And your kid will pay for that reputation.
Please, think seriously about this.
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
You shouldn't dye a 5 year old's hair.... period. Those fumes could seriously harm the child, that's why you don't color your hair while your pregnant, so why in the world would you put hair coloring in a toddler's hair.
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
why u shouldn't dye his hair yet he's only 5 wait until he's older
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
you should not dye a 5 year old childs hair what on earth is wrong with you?
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
My son is 5 to and it's hard with boys so i shave my sons hair in the summer.
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
why would u do that??? u shouldn't bc hair dye wasn't made for kids
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
If it's just to goof around how about KoolAid in purple, blue, greeen-fun stuff. Don't subject your child to chemicals or even henna based products.Why would anyone want to dye a child's hair?
If it's just for a costume type thing there are spray on colors.
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
Its wrong to dye a 5 year old hair, but when i was 14 i used loreal XXL.
What is the best hair dye to use on a kid?
Seriously dumb idea. All hair color is a chemical. You think you can put that on a 5 year old and not have him get it in his eyes, hands and all over everything else. It is very dangerous. Think!!!!
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