thA xmas green kkk??!??!mak vid on n giv me the link or find a website where there's directions.
oh ps i hav long hair to my shoulders
How do i fix my hair lik this?
Cut two pieces of hair by your face about to your chin then put them on one side of your face. Then with a clip pull back the top of our hair and secure it, add some hairsspray to hold then the back of the hair just do w.e in the picture (i cant really tell how the back of her hair is)
TIP: When putting the hair on the top of your head up push it back and forth a little to make it look poofy like the girls
How do i fix my hair lik this?
k heres the steps...i do it with my hair all the time...
1. pull a small section of hair away from your face, straight back
2. twist the hair to the top of your head
3. secure the twist with two bobby pins (cris-cross them over eachother)
4. pull a small section of hair from the side of your face out of the pins
5. take some hair from behind your ears and pull it back behind your head and tie that hair together with the section of hair that you clipped to the top of your head.
i hope i helped you! good luck, i tried to make the directions as simple as i could... xox
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